import QtQuick 6 import QtQuick.Controls 6 import QtQuick.Layouts 6 ApplicationWindow { width: 600 height: 501 title: "BJ Helper ;)" Component.onCompleted: visible = true Image{ // setting background img properties id: backg anchors.centerIn: parent width: parent.width height: parent.height source: "bg.jpg" } SplitView{ // setting up a SplitView that has 2 rectangles orientation: Qt.Vertical anchors.fill: parent Rectangle{ id: rect1 SplitView.preferredHeight: parent.height - 190 // setting the bar to be 60 ambiguous units lower than middle Layout.maximumHeight: 500 color: "transparent" //textfeild time GridLayout{ id: grid1 anchors.fill: parent columns: 6 rows: 5 flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom Layout.fillWidth: false Layout.preferredWidth: 200 //start of name boxes Repeater{ id: names model: ["name", "name", "name", "name", "name"] TextField { // look at my field of TextFields required property string modelData id: na1 placeholderText: modelData background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 175 implicitHeight: 35 color: na1.enabled ? "transparent" : "#353637" border.color: na1.enabled ? "#87CEEB" : "transparent" } } } //start of bet boxes Repeater{ id: bets model: 5 TextField{ id: bt1 placeholderText: qsTr("Enter bet") background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 175 implicitHeight: 35 color: bt1.enabled ? "transparent" : "#353637" border.color: bt1.enabled ? "#87CEEB" : "transparent" } } } //start of Push buttons Repeater{ model: 5 RoundButton{ id: p1 text: "P" background: Rectangle{ implicitHeight: 35 implicitWidth: 35 color: p1.down ? "#eddc1c" : "transparent" border.color: "#eddc1c" border.width: 1 radius: 180 } } } //start od Double buttons Repeater{ model: 5 RoundButton{ id: d1 text: "D" background: Rectangle{ implicitHeight: 35 implicitWidth: 35 color: d1.down ? "#7207ed" : "transparent" border.color: "#7207ed" border.width: 1 radius: 180 } } } //start of Win buttons Repeater{ model: 5 RoundButton{ id: w1 text: "W" background: Rectangle{ implicitHeight: 35 implicitWidth: 35 color: w1.down ? "#1dbf32" : "transparent" border.color: "#1dbf32" border.width: 1 radius: 180 } } } //start of Lose buttons Repeater{ model: 5 RoundButton{ id: l1 text: "L" background: Rectangle{ implicitHeight: 35 implicitWidth: 35 color: l1.down ? "#e6050c" : "transparent" border.color: "#e6050c" border.width: 1 radius: 180 } } } } } Rectangle{ id: rect2 //SplitView.preferredHeight: parent.height - 300 // not needed as it conflicts with rect1 line placement Layout.maximumHeight: 500 color: "#2b2b29" //making payout window grey for better visibility ListView{ model: names } } } }